Thinking Sessions, AI, Ambition, & U2 (?!?): My Account of Overcoming Personal Obstacles in the Age of AI

February 22, 2023


Let’s Get Creatively Personal Here, Frank - Introduction

“Sleight of hand and twist of fate." These words, sung many times over by the best band to ever play (fact, not an opinion 😉) capture the sense of unpredictability and uncertainty that has come to define my life in recent months. I enjoy thinking deeply about the world and my place in it, and I often find myself lost in thought for hours at a time. I've been grappling with some personal challenges that have left me feeling uncertain about what lies ahead. But in the midst of this uncertainty, I've found a new sense of ambition and purpose that I haven't felt in a while.

Every day, I spend at least 20 minutes, oftentimes after a long day’s worth of "maquinando", in deep contemplation, reflecting on the complexities of the world around me. I've always been fascinated by the inner workings of society and the human mind, and I find that these daily thinking sessions help me to stay sharp and engaged with the world. It's a form of mental exercise that I think is crucial for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the curve in today's rapidly changing world.

But as much as I value intellectual pursuits, I also know that ambition and action are equally important. That's why I've been working hard to harness my renewed sense of purpose and use it to push myself to new heights in my professional life.

[Cough] Enough about that. What about AI and thyself?

For many of us, the rise of AI and automation is a source of anxiety and uncertainty. We worry about the impact of new technologies on our jobs and our futures. But the way I see it, this uncertainty has been a catalyst for change. It's pushed me to rediscover my sense of ambition and to take risks that I might not have taken otherwise. In this blog post, I'll share my journey and offer insights into how you can overcome the challenges of the future of work with a renewed sense of ambition and purpose.

I’ve had an unreasonable amount of time to think about how I can blend the shit that my brain spits out with the things most on my mind today, AI, personal experiences, and how ambition is affected by it.

The Challenge of Automation - A Cassandra-like Warning

"There's an insect in your ear, If you scratch it won't disappear, It's gonna itch and burn and sting." These “Staring at the Sun” words refer to the sense of unease that many people feel about the rise of automation and AI. For some, it's a distant threat, something that they can safely ignore. But the reality is that automation is already here, and it's changing the way we work and live in ways that we can't yet fully understand.

As someone who works inside the abyss of what I’d like to refer to as the interweb, I've seen firsthand the impact of automation on the workforce. I remember one particular instance when I was communicating with a client, answering technical questions using AI. Specifically, it had to do with writing RegEx expressions on Cloudflare to properly redirect a domain (not that you’d care, but I thought I’d mention it anyway). It was an insane experience. I was essentially having a conversation with a random dude on the internet using a machine, and it was able to provide accurate and relevant answers in real time. It made me realize just how quickly AI is advancing, and how it's reshaping the way we work and communicate.

But while I've been able to use AI to my advantage in certain situations, I know that not everyone is prepared for the changes that are coming. The AI revolution is happening at an unprecedented pace, and it's creating new challenges for workers and businesses alike. Unfortunately, not everyone is paying attention to these changes. It's like scratching an insect in your ear: it might feel good in the moment, but in the end, you'll only make the situation worse…. Or… it’s like being the lazy mouse in “Who Wants to Move My Cheese”. Shoutout to my good ol’ man for that one.

That's why I believe it's crucial for all of us to pay attention to the changes that are happening and to take the necessary steps to prepare for the future. Whether it's developing new skills, exploring new career paths, or simply staying informed about the latest trends in AI and automation, we all need to be more adaptable and more ambitious than ever before.

Rediscovering Ambition

"Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief. All kill their inspiration and sing about the grief." Yikes, I’d like to be a little more straightforward than these words taken from “The Fly”, but in any case, they illustrate the paradox of the human creative process. To create something new, we often have to shed our old selves and take risks that we might not have taken otherwise. This has certainly been true for me in the face of personal challenges, the uncertainty of the AI revolution, and my ever-changing thoughts on how I can be a contributing member of society.

As we move forward in the age of automation and AI, there’s little time to be lazy. It's more important than ever to use our personal experiences to help fuel our decisions. We need to be willing to take risks, to shed our old selves, and to create something new. I’m actually in the midst of navigation through the world I meticulously carved out for myself, (albeit on a Notion doc, lol), and it's something that I believe we all need to do if we want to succeed in the changing economic environment.

Easier said than done.

One of the ways that I've been trying to accomplish this is by developing a renewed commitment to personal growth and career advancement. Even in the face of uncertainty, I've tried to stay focused on my goals and to keep pushing myself to new heights. This has required me to be more adaptable, more agile, and more ambitious than ever before. It’s fun for me though. I’m absolutely in love with the process of challenging thyself while navigating through life. Otherwise, it’d be boring.

But it's not just about personal ambition. It's also about working together to build a better future for everyone. As we navigate the challenges of the AI revolution, we need to be mindful of the impact that it's having on society as a whole. We need to be willing to have difficult conversations and to work together to find solutions that benefit everyone. I’m looking at you guys, the mice who see the ever-diminishing pile of cheese, and refuse to use your noses to find more.

I end this section with something I’d say IRL but I’d probably never fully articulate or write out of cancelphobia:

”A bunch of lazy people are gonna start asking who moved their cheese? The answer is A.I did, and don’t say Cassandra didn’t tell you so! It’s an apt metaphorical question for the current state of affairs, and it’s why it’s important for you to grow a pair, and change with the times.”

Also, “thyself” is totally cooler than “yourself”.

Veni, Vidi, and Getting Ever Closer to Vici - Conclusion

"I wanna run, I want to hide, I wanna tear down the walls that hold me inside." This shit right here, makes my mind go wild and my vocal cords break, but it encapsulates the challenges we face in the age of AI and automation, and personal challenges. We must push ourselves to overcome personal obstacles and rediscover our sense of ambition, all while navigating the rapidly changing economic landscape. As a society, we must also work together to find solutions that benefit everyone, and not just a select few. Just as Cassandra warned the masses of the dangers to come, we must heed the warning signs and be willing to adapt and evolve with the times. Let us tear down the walls that hold us inside, and embrace the future with open arms.

Love you all, signing out.


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